Types of Loudspeakers Repaired, Upgraded or Restored
Some of the Loudspeakers we have repaired, upgraded or restored in the last few years...
- Proac 1S
- Kef 105
- SD Acoustics SD1
- Technics SB7000
- Yamaha FX3
- Acoustic Energy AE509
- Tannoy Lancaster
- Mission 78C
- Spendor BC1
- Genesis IM5200
- Goodmans BR65
- QLN Acoustics
- Yamaha NS1000
- Ruark Sabre
- KEF 104/2 reference
- IMF Studio transmission lines
- Sonab OA14R
- Ditton 66
- Yamaha NS200
- AR132
- Sonof SF4
- Mission 773
- KEF iQ3
- KEF 104.2
- AR48
- KEF Cadenza
- Ditton 25
- Impulse H2
- Keesonic
- Kef Q35
- Lentek S5
- AE109
- AE105
- Mission 783
- Mission 727
- JBL138
- Linn Kans
- Yamaha NS200
- Castle Severn
- Impulse H2
- Keesonic
- Kef Q35
- Lentek S5
- AE109
- AE105
- Mission 783
- Mission 727
- JBL138
- Linn Kans
- Yamaha NS200
- Castle Severn
- Mordaunt Short Performance 6
- Goodmans Magnums
- B&W 610
- Proac Tablette
- IMF Reference
- Wharfedale Dovedale SP
- Mission 753
- Tannoy CPA12
- KEF 105.3
- KEFQ35
- Mission - many models
- AE1
- MA RS8
- Roksan
- Celestion Ditton 44
- Cabasse
- Celestion A3
- Leak Mini-Sandwich
- Tannoy Lancaster
- B&W 610
- ELTAX Monitor 3
- QUAD L22
- Zingali
- ProAc Reponse 100
- Kef Model 100
This is not a complete list – so if yours isn’t there please ask, because we may have restored some of the same model or very similar