Loudspeaker Training
Training can cover some or all of the following topics - we can tailor a course specifically for you or your group: -
- The vital elements of electronics involved in loudspeaker and crossover design
- DC Theory
- AC Theory
- Passive components
- Impedance
- Decibels
- Filters
- Attenuation
- Resonant circuits
- Frequency response shaping
- Active components (use of Op-amps)
- Putting together your design objectives for your loudspeaker
- What speaker size; type & scale will suit your room and preferences
- Driver selection
- Determining which type of bass loading to adopt
- Crossovers passive or active
- Enclosure/cabinet design
- Closed box
- Vented
- Resonant pipe
- Open Baffle
- Key design measurements
- Raw Drivers
- Mounted Drivers
- Directivity
- Crossover design
- Calculation of filters
- Use of design simulators
- Crossover measurements
- Bread-boarding
- Voicing
- Completed Speaker measurements and listening tests